Monday, January 3, 2011

the aprecio family

these are our cousins chris, tiffany and alexander. they are excited to announce that there will be another baby added to the family in august.
Aprecio 2011 1073


Aprecio 2011 465


Aprecio 2011 349


Aprecio 2011 305

Aprecio 2011 283


Aprecio 2011 197

Aprecio 2011 1090

Aprecio 2011 923

1 comment:

Denise Garrett said...

Holly, your photography is AMAZING! Something I myself always had a passion for and time got away from me. Thank you for keeping us up to date even further with Alex & Family. So unbelievable to watch him now turn to 'little boy'. Thanks again, Denise Garrett, Tiff's former boss & current friend.