Saturday, October 27, 2012

adam & monica larson

2012-10-26 15.28.22 2012-10-26 15.21.42-1 2012-10-26 15.22.01 2012-10-26 15.27.44
larson32012-10-26 15.47.20-3 2012-10-26 15.48.54-1 2012-10-26 15.39.272012-10-26 15.58.49 2012-10-26 16.03.45-3 2012-10-26 15.54.29-2 larson1 2012-10-26 15.55.29-1 2012-10-26 15.58.11 2012-10-26 16.05.07-2 larson4 2012-10-26 16.06.08-2 2012-10-26 17.19.28 2012-10-26 17.34.13 2012-10-26 17.36.24 larson2 2012-10-26 17.52.55-2
2012-10-26 17.53.48-12012-10-26 19.49.52-2 2012-10-26 19.55.19-2 2012-10-26 20.04.57 2012-10-26 20.12.36 2012-10-26 20.01.04 2012-10-26 20.40.03 2012-10-26 20.12.48 2012-10-26 20.56.24


  1. These turned out SO beautiful!! I can't wait to see more!

  2. I see two beautiful people who make a great couple. You look great together....for sure. I'll be meeting Adam, when I get back from Cozumel. Since you gave him your heart, there's no doubt in my mind that he'll be my friend forever. I love you both. Enjoy you trip up the river tomorrow with Vladimir and you day out on the Ada. Linda is kind of a kick. You'll like her, I'm sure.

    Love U 2, Uncle Dirk
